Getting to the Farm

The farm is located at 4934 Friends School Rd, directly across from Carolina Friends School in the Duke Forest.

Who We Are

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Mission & Vision

The Duke Campus Farm is a one-acre working farm owned and operated by Duke University that provides sustainably-grown produce and food systems education for Duke and its surrounding communities. More important than the thousands of pounds of food that we grow, however, are the opportunities the farm provides for engaging and reimagining the ways we cultivate, access, value, and think about food. Our mission is to catalyze positive change in the food system. 

Mission & Values

History of the Farm

The Duke Campus Farm is a one-acre, working farm dedicated to catalyzing positive change in the ways we grow, eat, and think about food. By using sustainable methods to grow fruits and vegetables, we provide a living laboratory for all things food-related at Duke. 

History of the Farm

Where Our Produce Goes

Thanks to the hard work of our year-long student crew, the Duke Campus Farm feeds over 100 community members each year through our CSA program, as well as various Duke vendors and programs.

Where Our Produce Goes

Duke Campus Farm in the News

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Annual Reports

Find out more about what we've been up to in our most recent Annual Report.

Annual Reports