Spring 2021 Co-Learning Lab

"Thank you so much for hosting this learning lab this past semester. I really enjoyed the discussions and met some new and interesting people!" - Fall 2020 Co-Learning Lab participant

This semester DCF is excited to offer four Co-Learning Labs. We invite people of all different backgrounds and disciplines to contribute to our discussions of media pieces that allow us to unpack what it means to do food systems work.

In general, we anchor ourselves in Farming While Black by Leah Penniman which informs us on Black and Indigenous farming practices and anti-capitalist frameworks. In each Lab we use the Characteristics of White Supremacy as a starting point to address white supremacy, anti blackness, and anti-indigenous racism in our food systems and in food systems work.

Our Spring 2021 Co-Learning Labs

  • February 25 - Imperialism On Your Plate
  • March 18 - Seed Sovereignty
  • April 8 - Food and Chronic Illness In Partnership with the Chronic Health Conditions Storytelling Group
  • April 28 - Gardens, Lawns and Green Aesthetics

How to Get Involved

  1. Check out our Spring 2021 Co-Learning Lab Readings
  2. Sign up for our E-mail list
    • This one-time sign up is not an obligation to come to any or all of our labs. This step ensures that you will have access to our zoom links.
  3. Do the readings - or don't!
    • Part of our Co-Learning model is recognizing the knowledge that everyone brings to the table. Even if you don't have time for all the readings we'd still love to learn with you!
  4. Await the Zoom link in your inbox
    • We will send the Zoom link one hour before the Co-Learning Lab

Fall 2021 Co-Learning Lab

"Thank you so much for hosting this learning lab this past semester. I really enjoyed the discussions and met some new and interesting people!" - Fall 2020 Co-Learning Lab participant

This semester DCF is excited to offer Co-Learning Labs Tuesday's at 6pm on Zoom. We invite people of all different backgrounds and disciplines to contribute to our discussions of media pieces that allow us to unpack what it means to do food systems work.

November. 2021 Co-Learning Labs

  • November 2 - No Till and Settler Colonialism
    • In this lab we will discuss no-till farming techniques and the link between tillage, soil exhaustion and ongoing settler colonialism

  • November 9 - Milpa: an Indigenous Intensive Farming Technique

    • In this lab we will discuss intensive farming that revolves around soil health and resilience, the Indigenous and Black origins of Milpa, and soil ecology

  • November 30 - Seed Saving as Food Sovereignty

    • In this lab we will discuss the cultural importance of seed saving, food sovereignty and the stories seeds can tell. We'll also give a few technical examples of seed saving a present what we learned from the CFSA seed farming workshop.

Pre-Lab Materials for Tuesday November 23rd Seed Saving as Food Sovereignty:

Gardening is Important, But Seed Saving is Crucial - Civil Eats

How to Get Involved

Sign up for reminders here.

Zoom Link for this week's Co-Learning Lab


About Co-Learning Lab

Co-Learning Lab is an effort by AmeriCorps Member and Food & Environmental Education Associate Abijah Gattis to further Duke Campus Farm's mission to inspire the widest possible audience to create positive change in the food system.

The premise of Co-Learning Lab is that we all read a brief selection of articles, shows, podcasts, or videos. These are meant to be relatively informal texts in the style of something you might engage with in your free time.

Co-Learning Lab is designed to give folks the opportunity to learn more about food systems and food justice in an informal yet structured environment where you can learn in public and make mistakes. This space is open to everyone. Students, staff, faculty, community members, farmers, future farmers, food workers, people who have formal environmental education who want to know more about food justice, organizers and people interested in social justice who want to expand their work/knowledge to food and food systems, people who want to know more about how food inequality affects them, folks who want to dream big about the future of our food systems with people from diverse backgrounds and opinions. Labs operate on the idea that everyone has expertise and perspectives to bring to the conversation from life, education, work, and other experiences.

In each Lab we use the Characteristics of White Supremacy as a starting point to address white supremacy, anti blackness, and anti-indigenous racism in our food systems and in food systems work.